Annual Spring Concert - Mercy College

On the 8th May, we held our annual Spring Concert in Mercy College. Our guest of honour was The Rt Hon. the Lord Mayor of Belfast, Councillor Ryan Murphy.

We opened the concert with ‘Warfaring Stranger’ featuring a beautiful solo from Daniel Campbell. Then another two group pieces - ‘A Little Help From My Friends’ and ‘Beautiful Day’.

The audience were then treated to other acts from each school represented - featuring solos, duets and even some Irish Dancing.

NBYC closed the evening with another two pieces - ‘Didn’t My Lord Deliver Daniel’ and ‘Something Inside So Strong’ - featuring a group of our sopranos - Tiarna, Annie, Hollie and Chloe.

It was a lovely evening and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the musical delights.


Speaker’s Dinner, Stormont


Opening of Translink York Street Station, April ‘24