
What an enormous pleasure to hear the cross-community North Belfast Youth Choir singing at the Mansion House in London in front of the Lady Mayor and a packed house - wonderfully uplifting, I was transported and deeply moved by the beauty of it all.
— Ciarán Hinds - Actor - October 2023
North Belfast Youth Choir is a ground-breaking music project involving second level schools in North Belfast, a community that suffered greatly during the darkest days of the conflict. As we enter a decade of significant commemorations in Northern Ireland, North Belfast Youth Choir offers young people a positive means of exploring shared identity, building common bonds and growing new friendships that may otherwise not be likely. It is a deeply powerful symbol of the new Belfast and Northern Ireland that we are working to build.
— Baroness May Blood - September 2015

The choir to me is a safe haven. The past 4 years in choir have been so memorable as I have made many good friends, have had the best of times and the comfy hoodies are always a bonus. The 2 hours of practice after school has benefited me in so many ways -  for example giving my confidence a major boost, which resulted in me singing a solo at a school event and without choir I would have never imagined doing so and singing pitches and doing vocal techniques I never knew I could. Choir has given me unforgettable experiences and opportunities like going on residentials to Derry having so much fun with my friends while also having the opportunity to perform in front of audiences that include friends and family which is what I love.”

Lindsay-Jane, Year 12 - Mercy College

“I am in Year 14  and current Head Boy of Belfast Boys’ Model School. I have been part of North Belfast Youth Choir from Year 10, and my time in the choir has provided me with unforgettable experiences both at home and abroad, and a group of friends that I will cherish for life. NBYC means a lot to me. I’ve always had a passion for music, and this programme has allowed me to develop that passion in such a way, and with people that I never would have thought was possible. For me, going to other schools and making friends with people my age from different communities was out of my comfort zone, but through a shared love for music and singing, I have met people that I never thought I would, and all of a sudden their background, where they come from or their religion doesn’t matter. Now that I’m in Year 14, I can see the same sort of positive relationships building amongst the younger choir members and I genuinely feel that this is the hidden beauty of the work we do.”

Marcus, Belfast Boys’ Model School

“My names Savana and  I am about to begin my final year of school at the Belfast Model School for Girls. I have been a member of the choir for nearly 6 years. When I first joined  I was really nervous, but with support from the teachers and Donal, my confidence has grown huge amounts. I have had many opportunities with the choir including recording with BBC, performing with the Ulster Orchestra and going on a residential to Derry/Londonderry. Overall, the choir is like a second family to me, we are always there for each other.”

Savana - Belfast Model School for Girls